Watch The Bible Part 1 History In The Beginning (Free)

Premiere of an epic five-part docudrama that tells the Bible's great stories through live action and CGI. In this first part, Noah endures GodÍs wrath; Abraham reaches the Promised Land but still must prove his faith in God; Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt, and his faith in God is rewarded when the Red Sea parts to allow the Israelites to escape PharaohÍs chariots; Moses delivers his final message from God _ the Ten Commandments.

Watch Dove Family Movie Smitty Free Online

Dove Review

“Smitty” is a movie about values, change and the realization of the truly important things in life. We see these lessons lived out in the lives of Ben, his mother and grandfather. As the three of them come to learn who the others really are, they experience the necessity of family and friendship.
Ben has moved around a lot in his early life and when he comes to live with his mother in a new town, he falls in with the wrong crowd and is caught vandalizing a restaurant. The judge sentences him to 3 months living with his grandfather who he doesn’t know hoping that a strong father figure will help Ben to learn some valuable lessons about responsibility and respect. All this he does with the help of a pet he not so affectionately calls “dog.” Ben learns the lessons of working for what you want and responsibility. A good lesson for us all to take away is to finish what you start. Dove is pleased to award this film our “Family-Approved” Seal.

{Watch for free here} 
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Watch Free Christian Movies: Soul Surfer

For parents to consider
Soul Surfer is rated PG for an intense accident sequence and some thematic material. It's a wholesome, profanity-free film that would be completely appropriate for the whole family were it not for the necessary element of the shark attack. Although not treated gruesomely, the very fact of the attack, and the strong sense of peril, may be too intense for younger viewers. "Christianity Today"

Watch Soul Surfer Online Free
{NOTE: Movie has popups take our advice and watch this movie using Firefox and Adblock Plus}


Free Christian Cartoons Online

Watch Full Movie Free
Enchanted Tales: Noah's Ark Animated Movie 44-minutes
It's comical critters two-by-two and an ark-full of songs and laughter as you climb aboard for a great adventure in this gloriously animated tale. Join Noah and his family for this miraculous journey! Produced by Golden Films/Directed by Diane Eskenazi. Endorsed by the Dove Foundation and Kids First for Quality Family Programming.

Watch Free Movie Now
Enchanted Tales: A Tale Of Egypt Animated Movie 44+ Minutes
Heroic characters and thrilling deeds weave an unforgettable story of faith and courage amid the splendors of ancient Egypt. Join Moses as heleads the Israelites out of slavery to freedom! Produced by Golden Films/Directed by Diane Eskenazi.
  • Directed by: Diane Paloma Eskenazi
  • Runtime: 47 minutes
  • Studio: Golden Films



You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory and the One who lifts up my head. —Psalm 3:3
Is God your glory? (Psalm 3:3). The word glory is the translation of a Hebrew word meaning "weight" or "significance."

How much weight and significance does Jesus have in your life. In these times of uncertainty it is important to place all our weight in our relationship with Him. Why? because it is our relationship with Jesus that truly matters ,just knowing Jesus is there ,and he hears our prayers can offer such peace and certainty. Find your security and worth in God not in meaningless things. Jesus wants us to be blessed and live full lives without worry .No one is more secure than the one who is held in God's hands.Do not worry . . . . Your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. —Matthew 6:31-32 .Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7) .

Remember worry is a burden God never intended us to bear.


Jesus took my place on the cross and gave me a place in heaven

Jesus forgives all sinners no matter what ! Jesus loves us and died on the cross for our sins,no one is perfect .Only Jesus can offer salvation from sin and excepting Him in your heart is the only way to Heaven.
The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. —Romans 6:23 .Salvation is the most important gift of all and it is free.
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6)
Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. —Acts 4:12

Are You In Need of The Lord , Pray And Except Him In Your Heart

Lord, I know I’m a sinner and cannot save myself. I need You as my Savior. Thank You for dying in my place and rising again. I believe in You. Please forgive my sin. I want to live with You in heaven someday.


He Will Never Leave You

Live it : He will never abandon HIS Children, throughout
their entire lives. For He is always with us no matter
what we may face, as He further promised;
you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
and through the rivers, they shall not overflow
you. When you walk through the fire, you shall
not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you.
Isaiah 43:2