Give The Gift Of Giving

Today more than ever we need to give ,giving is one of the most important teachings of Jesus. Let Jesus teach you how to give. Often us as Christians only think of giving to ourselves and family, and is so important to think outside our door. Tithing is a great way to give to the Lord and He asks us to be generous . I feel as the bible teaches that it is the Lords money and we should put Him first and ourselves second and this has always worked for my family . Gal.6:2 Help carry one another's burdens and in this way you will Obey the law of Christ . Jesus wants us to help our neighbor's our church our friend and strangers . Time is money as well, consider helping a elderly neighbor with daily life or family that does not have money for a babysitter and give your time . Give your time and money in Jesus name always ,it is a great feeling to be His hand and feet . Giving is not always easy, times are tough but try to find ways that you can bless others in His precious name .God promises to look on you with favor and help you walk through life with your head held high . The Lord loves you and wants to bless you and bless others through you. Give and it will be given to you, a good measure pressed down ,shaken together ,and running over will be poured onto your lap. Luke 6:38